viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2007

62 años

el antes y el después del Reichstag

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Hola Franco!
Como ustedes?
Ahora voy hablar inglés. No hablo muy bien Castelhano...
Franco Grimoldi, remember me? My name is Renato Junior from Portugal, born in São Paulo - Brasil, and we were at the same room in Berlin in All in Hostel at Friedrichshain. I was in the room with my girfriend Ana. We were too in Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic and Austria. I was searching in the internet by photos from Berlin, and I found a picture of you with your friend and so many beautiful pictures taken by you and your friend. I hope you remember me as weel we remember you. If you want to contact me, here is my e-mail address:

See you soon.
Renato Júnior.